data logger aspion transport standard shock vibration version 5

ASPION data loggers take transport monitoring to a new level: the new version 5 comes with unique functions!

The new version 5 offers a whole host of new functionalities in the operation of ASPION data loggers. A unique feature is the shock/vibration test in accordance with the transport standard, which the ASPION G-Log 2 data logger is the first of its kind to have. This makes transport monitoring and proof of compliance with transport conditions in terms of shock/vibration as simple as monitoring compliance with a cold chain for the first time!

By the way: To be able to use the new functions, update your PC software via the customer portal and use the latest version of the smartphone app. The shock/vibration test can be used with any ASPION G-Log 2 shock data logger with a delivery start date of 1 July 2021. For a firmware update, simply send us an email to

Highlights of the new version 5 for ASPION G-Log 2 shock data logger

Testing for transport standard

ASPION G-Log 2 is the first data logger to test compliance with transport conditions in accordance with transport standard DIN EN IEC 60721-3-2 for shock/vibration. This makes transport monitoring easier than ever for everyone involved for the first time.

Multi-readout via Bluetooth

With the multi-readout, many ASPION G-Log 2 data loggers can be read out with one click via Bluetooth using a smartphone app or a computer with a BLE adapter. A big plus in terms of convenience.

Live view

For a quick view of current temperature or humidity data including battery status, the new Live View is now available. It shows all ASPION G-Log 2 data loggers within BLE range.

New functions for all data loggers

Graphics and shock details

The new versions of the smartphone apps for Android and iOS devices are now even clearer with graphics, totals and, for the first time, shock details.

Reports with all the details

The revised reports provide all details for all parties involved and leave no questions unanswered as to which conditions prevailed on the transport route and when.


For efficient organisation, the advanced configuration programme provides functions for backup and restore and a few more for convenient working.

First data logger with testing according to transport standard IEC 60721-3-2:
Proof of compliance with transport conditions - easier than ever

Never before has the detection of transport damage caused by shock/vibration been as simple and transparent as it is now: As the first data logger, it is now possible with the ASPION G-Log 2 to check the shock/vibration loads specified by the transport standard for their compliance during transport. Neither technical knowledge nor specific know-how is required for the application.

The procedure is simple: Select the classification of the transport standard IEC 60721-3-2 that fits your product and let the ASPION G-Log 2 permanently monitor it during transport. When the data is read out, the evaluation clearly shows whether the transport conditions of the set class were adhered to or when exactly they were exceeded in which axis.

The logged evaluation data can be easily and quickly forwarded to all parties involved with the updated PDF report including details. Any discussions with service providers are now a thing of the past.

data logger monitors compliance with transport standards

The first data logger to monitor the shipment of goods in accordance with the IEC standard: Press release

Readout and live view

Left: The live view shows current values from ASPION G-Log 2 data loggers.
Right: Convenience of multi-readout via Bluetooth - via app and PC software.

Live view and multi-readout via Bluetooth

The new live view is practical: with the smartphone apps, the current values such as temperature, humidity and battery status of all ASPION G-Log 2 data loggers in the reception circle can be viewed directly in seconds. It is not necessary to connect to the data logger.

The new apps and the PC software offer a high degree of convenience when reading out ASPION G-Log 2 data loggers via Bluetooth: with one click, all data loggers in the vicinity are automatically read out one after the other. If the connection fails once, an intelligent algorithm ensures that they are read out again with just one click during the next process. The same applies to the PC software, installed on a Windows 10 computer with Bluetooth adapter.

New apps with graphics and shock details

The new apps provide a quick overview with their summary and graphics. The overview shows the number of shock and climate events such as temperature and humidity of the recorded exceedances. The view of the shock details is also new: The very first and the maximum of 8 highest shock events with the course in milliseconds provide a detailed insight into transport events. The exceeding of a class of the integrated transport standard to be monitored is also revealed to the user at a glance and in detail even for each axis!

ASPION G-Log Smartphone App

A detailed, informative PDF report with all recorded data and values including graphics can be generated by the PC software at the click of a mouse and quickly distributed.

Report, backup and other functions

The PDF report, which can be exported from the PC software to business partners at the click of a mouse, has been revised. It now contains a clear summary of all important information as well as all details in graphic and tabular form. Even all shock details including graphics are included in the new version.

For the administration and handling for IT administrators, the PC software provides practical enhancements with the new version of the configuration programme: A function for backing up and restoring all data, also via command line tool, keeps the database lean. The new Windows service for ASPION G-Log Premium customers can be operated on any computer independently of user installations. This brings a maximum of comfort.

The new version 5 of the PC software is available for download in the ASPION customer portal. There you will also find valuable information such as white papers, FAQs, documentation and much more.

Smartphone App ASPION G-Log

The smartphone app is available for Android and iOS devices. Simply scan the QR code at the bottom of the page with your smartphone. You will automatically be taken to the ASPION G-Log app.