Aspion Press Releases

5th time in a row: “Software Made in Germany” quality seal

A well thought-out UX design creates enthusiastic user experiences. This is not only confirmed by our customers, but especially by the renewed award of the quality seal 'Software Made in Germany' with the main features "100% Service, 100% Quality, 100% Future". For the 5th time in a row ASPION receives the seal of approval for its ASPION G-Log system with data loggers, software and apps.

The Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand BITMi e.V. (German Association of IT SMEs) awards the seal to medium-sized companies that develop products and software that stand out for their well thought-out design, tried-and-tested solutions, continuous innovations and competent, comprehensive customer service.

ASPION receives BITMi seal of quality for the 5th time.